Great Lakes Construction
3413 47th Ave.
Kenosha WI 53144

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Aluminum Siding

asidingAluminum siding has remained a steady choice of siding for more than sixty years and remains one of the most effective and cost effective choices for siding. Few other types of siding can match the cost and low maintenance as well as the effectiveness of aluminum siding.

Because of its structure, aluminum siding is one of the longest lasting types of siding one could apply to their household. The structure of aluminum siding makes it extremely durable and cost effective.

One of the many reasons that aluminum siding is used in favor of other types of siding is that aluminum siding is weather resistant while also being a corrosion proof material. Unlike other siding materials such as wood, brick, or stucco, aluminum siding is not going to rust, rot or just plain fall apart, thus creating a siding option that is beautiful in appearance, low maintenance and long lasting.

Aluminum siding can be painted over and over again which makes aluminum siding a perfect option for those who have a hard time making decisions as well. Aluminum siding comes in many different finishes. There are varying levels of insulation with aluminum siding. Purchasing aluminum siding with a high degree of insulation will lower the energy costs that are seen once the siding is installed. Insulation can either be installed in the cavity behind the aluminum siding or the aluminum siding can purchased that has insulation built into it.